Saturday, April 19, 2008

Devotion: Use Me in Such a Time as This

Read 1 John 2, Esther 4 and Psalm 16: 7-8

Key Passages: And the world with its desires are fading away, but whoever does God’s will lives forever. -1 John 2:17
…And who knows if in fact you might have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? -Esther 4:14
I will praise the Lord who counsels me. The controls He puts on me guide me through the night. I have put the Lord first always. Because He is at my right hand, I won’t be shaken. -Psalm 16:7-8

Some people we encounter think it is difficult to seek God’s will. Sometimes it is even hard for us at times to KNOW God’s will. Some people fear God so that they fail to ask for His leading. Sometimes we get so involved in our ministries and daily routines that we fail to take the time to ask for this leadership or maybe we do not take the time to listen.

In Psalm 16: 7-8, the Bible says to give God all the glory and honor because He teaches and guides you even while you rest. God is with us always. He is as close as our right hand. Let us keep our desires on Him. Why then do we need to fear? How can we lose our way?

When we desire to do the will of God, He will direct us and answer our prayers according to His will. Sometimes we are stubborn and want to do things our way; but if we listen, we will hear His leading. When Paul and his companions were on their journeys, the Holy Spirit directed them every step. At times the Holy Spirit did not allow them to enter a place. We do not know why He chooses to block our way at times. It is not for us to question the Spirit. He keeps us from great danger that we are unable to see or maybe a task that we are unable to handle.

God works through you to accomplish His will at “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). God took a young Jewish woman and placed her in a position as queen of Persia. She was an instrument that God used to save His people. You are also very important to God, and He will allow you to be an instrument also for His work. You are special to Him. He chose you. Desire to be close to God and sense His leadership. God will accomplish His will through you at “such a time as this”.

Dear Lord, I pray that I will listen and that I will hear what You desire. Please use me at such a time as this.
-A Winter's Path, 38, L. Burch

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,
    I really enjoy reading your blogs. Reading about your life and your children comments was so good. I am very proud of you and what you stand for. I'm proud to know you are preaching God's word along with Buck. You have a very special ministry. I will be praying for your family.
    Delores Young


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