Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Reverse Visitation Night!

Have you ever thought about how we can engage our family and friends with the Gospel on Halloween? The Burches along with Rehoboth Baptist Church are participating in what we call reverse visitation. We can all shed light in the community by giving the Gospel message in tract form, and you never have to leave home. The Burches are adding a special treat to our candy again this year. We are placing a Gospel message tract in our neighborhood friends' bags, too.

You may remember the weekly "door-to-door" visitation program. Well, this is one event where people are knocking on our doors and coming to us. Let's be prepared this year to treat them with the Good News. Happy Reverse Visitation Night! 

In His Love,
Christian  has a selection of tracts for ideas.

"Let my people go."

  “Let my people go!” I am currently enrolled in a course entitled Schools and Inequalities. My focus changed from my work with adults ...