Thursday, March 30, 2017

I'm so hungry!

I'm so hungry! Give me something right now. Okay, I'll be honest. I'll grab some potato chips first or my favorite snack, Cheez-its. What I should be grabbing first is fruit. What a great blessing-apples, strawberries, blueberries, etc.! Speaking of blessing, Esau gave his blessing away for a bowl of stew. In a moment of desire, he sold his right to be the spiritual leader for his family, not to mention the material benefit. "Esau despised his birthright." I hope I never prefer the pleasure (temptation) of a moment over the blessing my Father has for me. Stop. Think a minute... I'll have a bowl of fresh fruit. It's my choice. (Gen. 25:. 29-34)

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"Let my people go."

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