Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Do you have a quiet time with God? When?

seek His face

1. Do you have a quiet time with God? When?

2. Describe a time when you feel like God was using a circumstance to get your attention.

3. How can you help someone who may have trouble hearing God’s voice?

Read Hosea 5
Key Passage: …when they are hurting, they will seek my face early. -Hosea

Israel was being judged in the book of Hosea. Sometimes it was very hard to get their attention (Hosea 5:1). We repeatedly read in scripture how God pleaded for them to listen to His voice. We see many times how they failed to heed God’s warnings and His commands. May we hear His voice when He wants our attention! May we not fail to seek His face before it is too late!

Let’s pray that we will seek His face in all areas of our lives. We do not want to wait until it is too late or until we have so fallen into a state of ultimate misery that a rescue seems impossible.
-A Winter's Path, L. Burch

1 comment:

  1. Love the Winter's Path devotions. I love having my quiet time at night. It just doesn't seem like it's time for bed until I've spent a little time with the Lord. I've tried other times during the day, but I always gravitate back towards the night.


"Let my people go."

  “Let my people go!” I am currently enrolled in a course entitled Schools and Inequalities. My focus changed from my work with adults ...