Wednesday, September 1, 2010

VBS week at Golgotha Baptist

Last week was a full week of Vacation Bible School at Golgotha. Buck taught the oldest group. The family was able to join him for the last two days of events. I was so thrilled that we were able to go, because I had several witnessing opportunities. I talked with one man on the street; he was just passing by and wondered about the activities. Standing in costume on the street, I shared with him about Jesus. I also spoke with parents who were enjoying the festivities and refreshments at the church.

I am convinced more than ever how important it is for believers to be in harmony and use our spiritual gifts to compliment one another. Many church members were there serving in different capacities. It seemed as if everyone knew whose job was whose--some cooked the meals and snacks, some taught the lessons, some shared the Good News in testimony, some cleaned the building, etc. We all worked together to make the school a success. I can truly say: At Golgotha Baptist Church, you will find a family of believers working together!
In His Love,

1 comment:

  1. At Golgotha Baptist Church, you will find a family of believers working together!

    Two thumbs up for that!!!


"Let my people go."

  “Let my people go!” I am currently enrolled in a course entitled Schools and Inequalities. My focus changed from my work with adults ...