Path Light: Read Mark 11
Key Passage: Because I’m telling you that whoever would say to this mountain, “Go away and be thrown into the sea”, if he doesn’t doubt but believes that it will happen, he will have what he asks. So I tell you, whatever you desire in prayer, believe that you will get it, and you will have it. Mark 11:23-24
This scripture has been brought to my attention a couple of times this week. Some ladies and I, who meet weekly for a Bible study, were discussing this text about believing faith. I am convinced more every day about the power of prayer, not only in its power but also in its proving of our faith. Our faith is strengthened when we believe whatever we ask for will be ours. The stronger we believe, the more our faith is revealed as solid.
Many times I grow impatient and anxious for a specific desire that I have for serving the Lord to be fulfilled. The past few years I have taken these desires to the Lord and waited for an answer, though sometimes impatiently. Within this past month, I have begun to see how the Lord is answering my deepest desires. He reminded me once again of this scripture about belief in prayer. Prayer is powerful! Prayer is also proof of our faith. God does not have to prove anything to us, because He already is the great I AM. However, our faith is tested at times. We must stand firm in Him.
Path Application:Decide today to be a person of prayer. Do you really believe that God will answer your prayers? Do you really believe that that mountain can be thrown into the sea? Do not doubt. Believe!
Walk Farther:1. How much do you pray? How much could you pray? What’s the difference?
2. Do you really believe that a literal mountain could be moved through prayer?
Why or why not?
A Winter's Path, path 48, L. Burch, revised '06