Path Light: Read Matthew 14:22-32
Key Passage: And when Peter got out of the boat, he walked on water to get to Jesus. But when he felt the wild winds, he was scared… Matthew 14:29b-30a
When first preparing to come to the field, volunteers and new missionary personnel seem to excessively worry. Missionaries in Russia have learned over the years to come expecting nothing, anticipating nothing, and just enjoying life with what God provides. God will amply provide all your needs. In our family’s case, God has truly provided above what we need. Life in Russia can be difficult if we look at it through our own eyes, but through God’s eyes it is very simple.
Sometimes the language barrier worries us. No matter what country we live in, including the various regions of the United States, we can learn the language of the people's heart as well as their words. Most people in Russia will respect you and gain from your experiences, because they can really tell when a person has come to serve. Especially while a missionary or volunteer is in the beginning stages of his missionary service, he needs to build on this foundation. When a missionary is in the middle of transition and times are tough, she seems to notice the storms around her. The waves and wind seem so huge, strong, and impassable. At this point we think that we cannot make it through the storm alone, and we almost seem to drown. The uncertainties overwhelm us; however, when our eyes are focused on Jesus and remember that He is always with us, we walk through the storm in peace.
Peter was walking toward Jesus with no problems until he became afraid. He began to sink. Then he cried, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and held him. “O thou of little faith,” He responded. Then Jesus asked, “Wherefore didst thou doubt? (Matthew 14:30-31 KJV) Notice the word the Lord uses. Not only did Jesus want Peter to know why he doubted, but also He wanted Peter to recognize at what point he doubted. At the moment we doubt we begin to fall or lose balance. Think back to the times when you have doubted. Did you notice a change in your life for the worse? Did you notice that you did not care to accomplish much or thought that you could not make it anymore? How was your relationship with the Lord? Are you doubting today or are your eyes on the Lord as you go? Do you daily desire to read His Word or just read the Word at your convenience?
Path Application:As you pick up the Bible, do so with desiring anticipation to discover the Lord. Desire to know Him. Keep Jesus in close sight. Do not allow the circumstances around you to depict your state of being or cause your faith to diminish. Situations or events are not the rulers of your life. Jesus is. He is your Savior.
Walk Father:1. When have you found yourself facing the most doubt?
2. Think of a time when God’s Word has helped you through a time of doubt. How did it come about?
3. Who has been the person who has encouraged you the most when you face periods of doubt?
-A Winter's Path, path 43, L.Burch