Saturday, July 12, 2008

Visiting in the US

I have had a wonderful visit at home in the US with family and friends. My main intent for visiting was to spend quality time with my parents and Buck’s family one-on-one. That is just what I did! We sat around all hours of the day just talking, sharing and encouraging one another. I have been married now for 17 years and my oldest child is nearly 14 years old. My husband said that I deserved this time alone with my parents. Thanks go to Buck for making it happen, to Ashlyn for taking on many of my responsibilities around the house, to Amielle for performing many duties (i.e., wiping the dinner table) and to Luke, my youngest, for being the little man of the house. In the beginning I was hesitant to leave all of them in Russia. However, before I left Amielle gave me the blessing to go by saying, “Mama, just go home and spend time with your parents as if you were the only child again.” What a great family I have!


  1. You did deserve the time with your parents. You helped me all these 14 years and it was time I helped you. I am glad you had a good time. I love you Mom!

  2. You do have a precious family. I'm happy you had a good visit. Mollie flew to Charlotte, NC last week alone (first time flying without us) to attend a Leadership Conference. She conversed with someone beside her on the plane who happened to be a missionary to Russia. She told him about you all and it turns out that he works with you/for you. His name is Blake. What a small world! Hope things are going well. Always enjoy reading your thoughts. Tell everyone hi for us.


"Let my people go."

  “Let my people go!” I am currently enrolled in a course entitled Schools and Inequalities. My focus changed from my work with adults ...